Getting our snow legs

Its like velvet here after a snow fall.  The snow is so fluffy and fresh.  Oh, and white.
The beautiful white unfortunately means that for me there is no depth with my vision.  Early morning and late afternoon are the best for me with shadows, especially in the classic ski tracks which are cut into the snow.  This is where I feel I am lucky because I have an understanding of shadows and things because I had full vision for 37 years.

It has been improvement all round on the snow.  Matty has been acing the turns now that his sitting position has been lowered and he is able to get himself up which he needs to be able to do if he tips over in a race.  For the sit skiers being able to right yourself is a part of classification so their upper body strength needs to be super strong. Matty has seen great improvement getting himself uphills whith his strength and endurance and has only binned it once down a hill with quite a sharp turn but with practice and repeated runs around the track he is nailing it now.

For me getting back on classic skiis has been great.  I understand now why the old hands at skiing say to start with classic technique and once you have confidence there you will be a better skater.  The time spent perfecting your glide and single leg stability makes a huge difference.  I will always be grateful for the advice from Warren Feakes for that as when I am struggling on the skates I hop on my classics for s session and I am back in the game….. if only I could perfect my weight over my grip zone…. I know it will come in time. Daniel guiding is working very well.  He is an easy guide to follow as being tall he is visible, he has a big voice on snow and he is always aware of where I am.  Added bonus, I am certainly not going to be catching him on the downhills which was a problem I have had with previous guides.

The team has also been able to get some gym time in at the Nordiq Canada athlete gym which is great so we can get in some later evening and bad weather sessions and still keep our routine. With no snow for a few days now though we have our fingers crossed for some snow fall in the next few days before racing this weekend.

And best of all… our coach Kaspar Wirz arrived late this afternoon and we are very excited to be on snow with him tomorrow.  We are very, very grateful for his time.

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