First Hit Up of the Year

The irony of being told I was going blind and then being given glasses with a rose-coloured tint is definitely not lost on me.  I can even remember when the Doctor said out loud that I was going to lose my vision my first response was that I didn’t see that coming.  We did share an awkward giggle but then I felt the gravity of what I had just been told land on my shoulders.  I will leave that story for another day.

Set a goal so big you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can.


Today is the 1st January 2023 and it is a beautiful sunny day. The sun though is not even as bright as the future I have planned for myself.  I set my benchmark at the gym this morning with my first fitness test for my ski training program.  Even though I have always been fit, well I could even say above average fit in some respects (except for running) it has been difficult for me to keep routine when it comes to training.  Consistency has never been my strength, but I am proud to say this is changing.  I have been consistent since 28 November and after having a good year of training despite the inconsistency today I kicked some goals. 

For me a 3k run with an average pace of 6:51/km is huge, a series of broad jumps which are difficult when vision helps with balance and my vision ain’t great, I nailed like a good aussie roo.  I attempted pull ups but hey we can’t be great at everything first go and dips I did to a fail, muscled my way through one more then added a bit of weight to finish the test.  A small test yes but it is a benchmark and I am super excited to see the improvement when the next test comes round.

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